I’ve been tweaking a 3D model I’ve been working on in Blender. I’ve learned a lot in this software and I’m 100% certain that I’ve only scratched the surface.

The biggest issue I had been facing was that I needed to model a specific type of object, which ended up being a weird concoction of two shapes merged together. The only issue was that merging those two shapes together was practically impossible for a newbie like me. Thankfully I was able to figure it out with some Googling and creative thinking on my part.

I don’t want to give too much away, but it certainly looks a lot better than previous attempts. Now to get the lighting ironed out.

I’ve upgraded most of my home computers to Ubuntu 20.10. My main rig has been on the Beta for several months now, but I wanted to get the other systems upgraded as well. The only one that hasn’t been upgraded is my dedicated writing machine, as the program I use, KITScenarist doesn’t launch on 20.10 yet. There is a bug report open on the GitHub, but it’s not ironed out yet. They hope to have it fixed by the next beta release candidate.

With that said, writing has taken a backseat at the moment. I’m the only person in my department at work and I can feel the weight of everything that needs to be done; one project in particular is a huge project that needs to be completed by the end of the week and I’ve barely made a dent in it, despite syncing nearly a full day into it.

The project itself reminds me that I really hate Excel 365. Even the desktop version is terrible for what I need it to do: compare two seperate files and update one of the files. Someone with more Excel knowledge is probably yelling at me, but I still think it’s hindering me more than it’s helping me. Part of me wants to write a database and frontend, but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to complete that and finish the project in time.

The good news is that we’re doing second interviews for a second person, so hopefully that will help with the normal day-to-day workload.